*Walking in to room to meet new patient, who happens to be a little girl with her parents and little sister. After introducing myself:
NurseHubba: So, what brings y'all in today?
Clueless Dad: What do you mean?
NurseHubba: Why are you here today in the emergency room?
Clueless Dad: Oh. . . Ummm. . .
*Dad goes on about sniffles and a "little bit of a cough" for the last week.
NurseHubba: Ok, have you taken her to see her pediatrician?
Clueless Dad: What do you mean?
NurseHubba (getting very impatient, but hiding it as best as I can): Her doctor. Have you taken her to see the doctor?
Clueless Mom: Oh, no, she's just congested.
NurseHubba: So, why did you come to the EMERGENCY room?
Clueless Mom: Well, she's sick, but we didn't think she was sick enough for the pediatrician, so we brought her here instead.
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